Fee structure*
Item Number Fee Out of Pocket Cost Medicare Rebate
23 level B standard $95 $55.25 $39.75
23 level B long $105 $65.25 $39.75
36 level C standard $145 $68.05 $76.95
36 level C long $155 $78.05 $76.95
5020 A/Hrs B standard $105 $53.20 $51.80
5040 A/Hrs C standard $157.10 $68.30 $88.80
HCC = health care card holder
*Valid Medicare Card required
Bulk billing
We offer bulk billing for:
Children under the age of 16
There is a discounted fee for pensioners 65 years and over, health care card holders and self funded retirees.
Please present a current pension or health care card at the time of consultation.
Children 15 years or younger are bulk billed.
Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, EFTPOS or credit card.
Telephone access
Emergency phone calls from patients will be assessed by the Nurse or the Doctor.
Non-urgent phone calls will be recorded and the doctor will respond to the call as needed.
Specialist referrals
Health Insurance Commission regulations requires a referral from our doctor before seeing a specialist in order to obtain maximum Medicare rebates.
Referrals are valid for 12 months, repeat referrals require a consultation.
It is an offence for a doctor to "back date" a referral or sickness certificate so it is necessary to obtain your referral prior to your specialist appointment.
Workers' compensation
Patients are required to pay for Work Cover visits at the time of consultation and Work Cover will reimburse the amount upon acceptance of the claim.
Repeat prescriptions
There are medical, legal and ethical issues with providing repeat prescriptions without consultation.
Some prescriptions may be provided if the Doctor has seen the patient in the preceding month.
Personal health information
Your medical record is a confidential document.
It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information to ensure this information is available to authorised staff members only.
For more information, please view our Privacy Policy.